Determent in a sentence as a noun

And if you're not quite sure why you're downvoting, having to explain would certainly serve as a determent.

Declarative ORMs seem to straddle that gap to the determent of either end-point.

Regulations help the large established companies to the determent of the small and new.

Works this has been such a determent to my career!" Most fields of development end up needing to use algorithms at some time or another.

I would fairly say I had some sort of shallow Hollywood stereotype pigonhole I lumped poets into to my determent.

In the same sense, a sci-fi story that observes too much the technology in the determent of the people is like a B series movie.

China is all about "face", to the determent of everything else and is the reason for a global Corona outbreak. I believe the author has too good opinion on them, they just lie a lot.

- Peg Podlich" I'm not sure why exactly the pendulum swung so hard to conservative side, but it's been there ever since, much the determent of the people living there.

I guess my overall point is that ideologues of any type tend to have a drum and enjoy beating it, much to the determent of someone somewhere else.

That is what the department did not understand, not knowing Java isn't that much of a determent to getting an entry level Java job. With a solid foundation, a junior programmer can pick up Java quite fast.

For example, explain to me the several periods where eBay increased its margins to the determent of sellers and did not lose its dominant market position. Or 1 degree of separation, explain how PayPal continues to dominate.

That's true in the short term, but Dvorak's point is that MS has wasted time and money on diversions that it has not executed well to the determent of Windows and Office. You can also see that the cash cows are in danger because people are moving to new environments that are not desktop/laptop based, like iPods and cellphones.

And, within this reality, it will be shown that the only extreme behavior exists among the institutions and individuals that espouse extreme distortions of truth to the determent of everyone. I know this doesn't really answer your request, but I hope it characterizes how I came to these conclusions.

It's a nice check and balance, and covers the "sell for cost to a friend/acquaintance" route, but is a determent to the professional scalper, since he is required to surrender his identity, essentially, to a 3rd party.

It's easy for sci-fi to fall into the trap of obsessively detailing fictional technologies, to the determent of making a vivid setting and story. Edit: I'm not saying that sci-fi shouldn't communicate some understanding of the future technology or shouldn't enjoy engaging in some futurology.

No consideration is given to any determent effect from law enforcement or the possible effectiveness of our anti-terrorism activities. It's entirely possible that the $1tn we've spent has reduced the quantity and effectiveness of terrorist activities.

Important enough that I brought it up in my first paragraph of exposition in this discussion, as well as in, say, a recent one on the quality of the firearms leadership of NYC police, who for a long while saddled their men with FMJ bullets, to the determent of everyone but the self-satisfied and grossly ignorant anointed.

This is a person I had countless conversations with about how much a determent formal schooling is to actual problem solving to Society's most pressing issues, as she wanted to teach but wasn't sure if University level made sense, and about how Society could benefit from a smaller private specialized tutor system for specific subjects. We also did our respective undergrads at the same university for a semester and we both realized how absurd it was even during the 'good times' in the bubble era how many people didn't get a job that had anything to do with their degree.

Determent definitions


a communication that makes you afraid to try something

See also: deterrence intimidation