Despoil in a sentence as a verb

Again, the choice is not "despoil the environment, or live in a pristine world of magic and unicorns".

All the first world countries already despoiled and continue to despoil the resources of the world at an alarming rate.

We don’t need government or regulation to have pencils, we need it to also have other things which market forces frequently despoil or fail to provide.

The poor schemed to despoil the rich by legislation, taxation, and revolution; the rich organized themselves for protection against the poor.

Certainly PrimeSense contributed much, but to discount the hard work of those in MS Research as something less by wrapping them in quotes only serves to despoil your message.

Visiting national parks gets people caring about conservation, so ironically on the one hand we despoil some of the wilderness with park facilities but as a result people vote to protect the rest.

Very early farming was a semi-sedetary "slash and burn" the forrest and then relocate once the soil is depleted and let the forrest reclaim their abandoned buildings while they go to despoil someplace else.

> Defending one's land" would technically include anyone who defends themselves against intrudersIt's perfectly clear that they mean defending one's land against people who want to take or despoil that land, not just people who come on to your property to rob or assault you.

We all have our own selection bias of course, but in my experience young Australian men are a pretty big improvement on their bald barrel-shaped shock-jock-addled beer-guzzling 4WDing [poofter/boong/woman/asian/tree/whatever]-hating coal-loving fathers who so despoil the Australian suburban landscape.

That is the true message of hip hop that has been lost by the bastardizing filteration process of media and people not so intimately connected to its origins - including descendants of the visionaries, who despoil the art and see it as only a means to get rich quick and stack up on some biches.

Despoil definitions


steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"

See also: plunder loot reave strip rifle ransack pillage foray


destroy and strip of its possession; "The soldiers raped the beautiful country"

See also: rape spoil violate plunder