Dependant in a sentence as a noun

I don't know what's gonna happen in 10 years, but I feel like I need a second business to be less dependant on my first one.

The "distance to the horizon" is strongly dependant on how high the viewer is and how tall the object being observed is.

Then success is dependant on the conditions mentioned and they're much more likely to do their part in making sure those conditions are met.

I'll second this, in North America everything that is possible to make a child absolutely dependant is done.

Dependant in a sentence as an adjective

Here's another one for you: distribute your s3 paths/namesBecause of the way s3 is designed, the place files are stored on the physical infrastructure is dependant on the prefix of the key name.

When Google deprecates a web service, Facebook eliminates an API, or Twitter imposes tougher API restrictions, all dependant services fall like dominoes.

To you, TeX macros or M4 or continuations or macros or dynamic typing or static typing or dependant typing or manual memory management or garbage collection or all sorts of things might look complex.

Dependant definitions


a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)

See also: dependent


contingent on something else

See also: dependent qualified


addicted to a drug

See also: dependent drug-addicted hooked strung-out