Qualified in a sentence as an adjective

I qualified for well above the normal bonus.

You don't have to poach qualified people with ridiculous signing bonuses.

If a hiring process weeds out some qualified candidates, it doesn't mean it's broken.

It's ridiculous to assume that 100% of the best/qualified programmers would want to work at a place like that.

"Yes, I am," said Diffie, in what surely qualified as the biggest understatement of the trial.

Mark Cuban writes: "As an employer I want the best prepared and qualified employees.

Maybe they prefer not to have debt on their balance sheet, with the legal obligation to pay it back in case they can't do a qualified funding round.

This was the guy who learned Java because he felt he needed to know how to program to be qualified to make a ruling in Oracle v Google.

Last I checked, they qualified as "sophisticated investors."3.

And she said that one of the things that happens is that women dont even think theyre qualified for something because its advertised in competitive language.

One problem I have with "X accomplished person passed away" on the internet is that a free-for-all seems to start, wherein everyone feels qualified to judge that person's accomplishments from behind a monitor.

That may seem like splitting hairs, but there's a real question of competence here: as a physicist, I don't feel especially qualified to assess the methods they used or the reliability of the conclusions they draw.

The designer here may very well be in the right, but I don't feel qualified to judge or do anything about it based on the available information, any more than I do with the hundreds of other designer-client disputes that happen on a regular basis.

If, however, the company can do a qualified funding before the note matures, the debt converts into preferred-stock equity on the terms struck with the equity investors at first funding, usually with a price discount, sometimes with a price cap, and typically with merger-premium protection for the converting noteholders for the added risk they take in being early in the game when risks are at their highest.

Qualified definitions


meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task; "many qualified applicants for the job"


limited or restricted; not absolute; "gave only qualified approval"


holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill; "a registered pharmacist"; "a registered hospital"

See also: certified


restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man')

See also: restricted


contingent on something else

See also: dependent dependant