Denture in a sentence as a noun

I think a better search term is "denture tabs".

To me, it sounds like the brand name for a denture adhesive.

If you get fitted for dentures right after your teeth are removed your dentures will fit poorly.

It wouldn't know if it's a picture of a cat with a piece of bread on its head or an ad for denture cream.

There are cheap places that offer dentures in a day, or a few days but you wouldn't want to go to one of these places.

I still think remote in situ denture cleaning sounds like a billion dollar idea.

It'll get cluttered up with ads for denture cream and adult diapers once they realize what their true market is.

Once the wax try-in is adjusted by the dentist, the lab takes it and makes the actual denture for the patient.

Apart from being cheap, this is also very denture-friendly.

I wonder if they've thought about marketing it as a remote, in situ denture cleaning system.

Retired voters, and voters approaching retirement, will fight denture and nail against that.

Surely even huge multinationals have a need to target their denture glue adverts to people who need denture glue?

A 3d printed denture would not have the material properties required to align teeth and maintain integrity in a human mouth.

The lab uses the final impression plus the rims to make a wax try-in that has teeth so the dentist can make sure the teeth are where they are on the denture and the patient approves.

I use a "dental device" on those nights that I remember to place it in my mouth, and typically I just give it a soak in some water with one of those denture cleaning tablets thrown in.

A good dentist will offer you a temporary denture that is cheap and of lower quality material while your bone is re-modelling then after a few months they'll make a high quality set that will fit much better.

[oversimplified:] I wouldn't recommend a racy viral YouTube campaign to a company selling a revolutionary denture adhesive but it may work wonders for a dating site...

I don't think that "advertisers" are as homogenous as you portray them here; generally, they have specific products that they are marketing to specific demographics, which sometimes includes denture paste.

The possibility of utilising histatins for the control of fungal infections of the oral cavity is being actively pursued with the antifungal properties of topical histatin preparations and histatin-impregnated denture acrylic being evaluated.

Initial clinical studies are encouraging, having demonstrated the safety and efficacy of histatin preparations in blocking the adherence of the yeast Candida albicans to denture acrylic, retarding plaque formation and reducing the severity of gingivitis.

Denture definitions


a dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth

See also: plate