Homogenous in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe it's time people stopped thinking of "geeks" as a homogenous, broadly categorizable group of people.

"To put it more directly: there is no "the audience," in some monolithic and homogenous sense of the word.

It bothers me to see hyper homogenous work cultures celebrated as some kind of ideal [1].

Also, Africa is not some homogenous blob of poverty.

Wide lanes, big setbacks, homogenous environments encourage speeding regardless of what is posted.

While certainly there are some counties richer and more exclusive than others, they are much more homogenous than individual communities.

I'm talking about much of the "best practice" and even the entire attitude that programmers should not be "lone guns" but part of a homogenous collective of coders.

However, it also requires either lighter equipment or disc brakes on all cars along with equipment in the cab. Both are quite costly, and always require a homogenous fleet with the exact same door configuration.

Minecraft is the perfect example:In the earliest versions of the game, blocks were all basically homogenous cubes of some material, so they didn't need to be oriented.

"Consider all the embedded applications of WebKit, from game consoles to theme-park kiosks, and the idea of a homogenous, stagnating WebKit monoculture seems even more unlikely.

Here you had, presumably, a small group of highly-educated and, presumably, reasonably intelligent folks who couldn't even manage an economy with 150 homogenous players.

I might go as far as saying the talent/intelligence landscape is somewhat homogenous but having been around early stage startups for years now there is definitely a power law distribution of motivation & organization.

As I make clear in the book, in the on-line appendix, and in the many technical papers I have published on this topic, one needs to make a number of adjustments to the raw data sources so as to make them more homogenous over time and across countries.

Worse, a lot of the cultural diversity that made San Francisco interesting has been driven out by the high prices -- it's a much more homogenous city than a few years ago, where mom-and-pop shops and other neighborhood amenities have been replaced by places selling $10 "artisinal grilled cheese" sandwiches and "mixology" bars where you can buy your choice of $15 cocktail.

Homogenous definitions


all of the same or similar kind or nature; "a close-knit homogeneous group"

See also: homogeneous