Hallucinating in a sentence as an adjective

Only, if the author wrote that, I'd think I was hallucinating.

I must be hallucinating my macbook air, mac pro, os x + apps, and airport network then.

I was worried that I was hallucinating alone.

Is their video encouraging people to ride at 60km/h on the footpaths or am I hallucinating ?

Go 100 hours without sleep, and sure you'll be hallucinating at the end, but you recover after about 16 hours of sleep.

I cannot guarantee you are not hallucinating for other reasons, but yes your app should feel faster.

It became so bad, that he became delirious, and started hallucinating about some people being present when he was alone.

But when I notice people reading my nuanced position and hallucinating a feminist rant, it increases my sympathies.

Thinking thusly about a made-up thing can have dire consequences -- like when hallucinating on ***** and jumping from a building to avoid a huge snake.

Clearly the society should not subsidize their medical treatment either and if they **** while hallucinating or steal to pay for their fix, being a drug-addict should not be treated as extenuating circumstances.

What difference are you hallucinating between citing a philosophical paper discussing a thought experiment, and citing a television show?

Recently read a great working theory of motion sickness... when your brain can't reconcile your sense of "down" or motion via your ear and your body orientation with your vision's perception of down or motion, then your brain thinks one or the other is hallucinating because of something you ate, and that's why you have a nauseous reaction, to expel the poison.

Hallucinating definitions


experiencing delirium

See also: delirious