Deflated in a sentence as an adjective

Mtgox found a slow puncture and went down like a deflated bouncy castle.

I went to retrieve it, and they gave it back to me scuffed, bruised, deflated, but hopefully still in working order.

"I think Facebook just deflated the tech IPO bubble for a year or so. No average Joe is going to invest, because, "Well ****, if Facebook didn't explode, why would any other new tech company?

The karma you get there is helpful to demonstrate to employers how well you can help others, thats a little difficult to explain how your score just got deflated.

They conspire illegally to drive down wages, then whine that not enough people want to work in this field where wages have been artificially and illegally deflated.

Generally my sense of self-worth was so deflated that it was very difficult to discuss it with anyone, and particularly anyone who I wasn't close friends with.

And I said something like "You old fellas just do not appreciate how potent science is today, we'll have a cure in 5 years max"...The fact that 30 years later we cured ONE person has really deflated my hubris.

When you combine this binary gear usefulness with deflated drop rates, you end up with a situation in which most players feel that actually trying to play the game as a treasure hunt is an exercise in futility.

You're working with low margins, high capex, deteriorating infrastructure, deflated brands, legacy technology and a legacy customer base.

And who said they wanted to squeeze the air out --and have the deflated look, easy crushing and all?When one talks about the "sheer incompetence" of a group of industry experts set to find a solution to a problem in an internet comment thread, while putting out an inane "solution" of his own that doesn't take all facts into account --and when he never knew all the constraints in the first place--, well, the DunningKruger effect springs to mind...

Deflated definitions


brought low in spirit; "left us fatigued and deflated spiritually"

See also: chapfallen chopfallen crestfallen