Conspire in a sentence as a verb

You have a mix of factors that all conspire to a bad outcome.

It's not an accidental outcome where the laws of drama conspire to make the author's point null, it is the point.

Maybe that's true and I'm simply not getting invited to the meetings where men gather to conspire to keep women down and out of the board room.

This is a great example of how the Constitution and our system of laws is meaningless as long as two branches conspire to make it so.

Not only does everybody seem to know the system can't work in practice, they actually have to conspire behind the scenes to prevent the worst outcomes?

Our whole government is broken when leaders of both major parties blatantly lie and conspire to undermine our Constitution.

They conspire illegally to drive down wages, then whine that not enough people want to work in this field where wages have been artificially and illegally deflated.

But what's funny is how the modern internet appears to conspire against this extraordinarily simple idea: the first problem is IPv4.

But a small but vocal subset always demonstrates a remarkable level of imagination in presenting scenarios in which Apple can actively conspire against their users while remaining within the letter of their guarantee.

Conspire definitions


engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together; "They conspired to overthrow the government"

See also: cabal complot conjure machinate


act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose; "The two companies conspired to cause the value of the stock to fall"

See also: collude