Crestfallen in a sentence as an adjective

" The thug looks crestfallen and tells them the truth.

If I had just gone through that effort and reaped such a modest improvement, I'd be crestfallen.

When he found out they’d only taken a couple radios and a TV, he was crestfallen.

Slightly crestfallen that the “ML” here is machine learning and not the programming language.

His mother, Iman, saw that he would be crestfallen by the poverty when he returned for vacations.

Take a walk or drive through Dallas, and you’ll quickly become crestfallen with the amount of litter constantly flowing with the breeze.

On the other hand, it's easy to become crestfallen at the state of computing today by comparison.

This is basically irrelevant to the linked post, but I have to ask: Was I the only one who felt crushed, betrayed and crestfallen upon making the terrible realization that space doesn't actually look like all of the awesome "photos" floating around?

Crestfallen definitions


brought low in spirit; "left us fatigued and deflated spiritually"

See also: chapfallen chopfallen deflated