Defenceless in a sentence as an adjective

Who wanted people to be defenceless against phone scams?

We need to stop things like the Espionage Act which makes leaking a defenceless crime.

Why do we get to take away the newborn child of a defenceless creature? Come on.

It seems governments are both protagonist and defenceless in cyber war.

If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web\n server, you're defenceless\n\nUh, oh. I am there for convenience, not to fight.

There's no use relying on Cloudflare to keep your site up in that scenario while publicly broadcasting your real server IP, ripe and defenceless, at direct. mydomain.

If you use a proprietary program or \n somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the \n hands of whoever developed that software."

The various forms of this code usually included requirements to protect the defenceless and treat women with honor.

If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software.

Because you are also completely defenceless. If a predator stumbles across you'll probably already be in pieces by the time you're aware what's happening.

Defenceless in a sentence as an adverb

“Refugees,” he wrote, “are frightened and defenceless, at the mercy of alien forces. They naturally tend to report what they believe their interlocutors wish to hear.”

The only mitigating factor to me is that the participants here go in eyes wide open rather than that they are sucked in as defenceless children.

Without a much more specific mandate from lawmakers, it is too easy to go after minor infractions by defenceless people instead of doing some hard work.

This is somewhat akin to the argument about the terrorist being so evil that we need to resort to their tactics - except the 'terrorists' here are defenceless animals. The second sentence here is almost certainly untrue.

I'm just pushing back on the claims that every last thing that Amazon ever does amounts to gravely sinister assault on perpetually defenceless victims, and that they never face consequences for wrongdoing. Things can still be bad without having to be quite that bad.

Let's arm all the kids, they're defenceless. Let's arm all the old people too, they're defenceless. In fact, let's arm everybody because after all, when kids and old people have arms everybody else is defenceless. And then we'll both sit back and watch the world burn while the defenceless people try to come to terms with their new-found power and slaughter each other.

Her behaviour is by no means uncommon which is why the press is having no problem digging up other cases in which she leveraged the resources of the state against those who were defenceless. Don't think she's particularly evil, she's your everyday average prosecutor.

It can be a tough sell because it's almost always forced genital mutilation carried out on defenceless infants violating their human rights and causing irreversible damage or done by pressuring men into it without telling them the downsides.

The worst sort of situation for a country to be in in terms of nuclear deterrence is to have only one nuclear weapon, because even though the threat of using it has significant power it would leave them utterly defenceless if they were to ever use one. It would be a weapon they could never realistically use, because they would be unable to deter the inevitably-devastating counter-attack, and so the threat itself would become baseless.

Quote Examples using Defenceless

Let's arm all the kids, they're defenceless. Let's arm all the old people too, they're defenceless. In fact, let's arm everybody because after all, when kids and old people have arms everybody else is defenceless. I don't know what to make of this silly argument. -And then we'll both sit back and watch the world burn while the defenceless people try to come to terms with their new-found power and slaughter each other.


Defenceless definitions


lacking protection or support; "a defenseless child"

See also: defenseless


lacking weapons for self-defense

See also: defenseless


without defense; "the child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenselessly"

See also: defenseless defenselessly defencelessly