Curlicue in a sentence as a noun

If you search for "ct", some of them have a fancy curlicue ligature.

Designers trying to be artistic resort to swooshes and curlicues.

I really should read more philosophy, but I just can't cope with all the long sentences and curlicues of jargon...

There are probably thousands of uses of every greek letter and their italic, bold and variously curlicue'd isomorphs.

Now imagine a language where smooth connections and fancy curlicues in the "right" places were essential for being seen as erudite, and where "right" depended on 5 years of learning.

Is your company's code complicated and full of weird curlicues because edge cases from poor planning and requirements that change on the fly 'disrupted' the original design?

The latter may be because aesthetic indifference serves today as a more effective display of power than baroque over-done aesthetics with gold leaf and curlicues.

When it was finished, he gave it a coat of white paint, trimmed the edges in lavender, stepped back, squinted, then added a little curlicue on the front and, where one might imagine the forehead to be, a few pale orange polkadots.

> "The Thirties had seen the first generation of American industrial designers; until the Thirties, all pencil sharpeners had looked like pencil sharpeners—your basic Victorian mechanism, perhaps with a curlicue of decorative trim.

The pure theoreticals continue spinning off into ever-more-rarified lands of type theory that are already all but impossible to use in practice, and the practicals are stuck shuffling around the same things over and over again in the same basic languages they've had since the late 1990s, just with a few more fancier curlicues added.

Curlicue definitions


a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)

See also: coil whorl roll curl ringlet gyre scroll


a short twisting line

See also: squiggle