Scroll in a sentence as a noun

Because of the words "and the vertical bar is not a scroll bar.

No horizontal scroll bar to get beyond right fold?

It scrolls a whole page, with just enough animation to help you track where you are.

But for God's sake, I had to scroll _all the way to the bottom_ to find some kind words of encouragement.

Don't scroll too far up, or it loads the previous article right in place, and doesn't keep you where you were.

To all of those complaining that "side scrolling is a bad idea": This is a red herring.

Heck, that sub is so bad, that if you want to read a decent story you start at the bottom, with the lowest ranked items, and scroll up.

Scroll in a sentence as a verb

I hope this trend of really annoying scroll-skipping goes away like flashing "under construction" .gifs and framed pages.

I'm trying to be polite, but my honest reaction to this interface was, "oh god, this is awful," when I tried to use the mouse to scroll the page.

Slate shows only very little context; you have to scroll out far to see those 2 or 3 steps away, but at that point everything is too small to read.

I highly recommend watching all the videosunfortunately, they carved it into pieces and you have to scroll down the page to get at them.

Holy ****, the overdone continuous scrolling and animation makes that page almost useless.

The top comments tend to be half-assed efforts usually ending in a joke or even a reddit in-joke because the guy who posts something silly immediately will dominate while the guy still working on his story and posts after an hour of writing ends up being comment 78 and no one scrolls that far down to read.

Scroll definitions


a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)

See also: coil whorl roll curl curlicue ringlet gyre


a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)

See also: roll


move through text or graphics in order to display parts that do not fit on the screen; "Scroll down to see the entire text"