Curiosity in a sentence as a noun

That last part has nurtured my curiosity, I find myself exploring thoughts I didn't on the 'old' HN

The beat the curiosity out of the kids. They out-number kids. They vote.

They had very little curiosity, and an email saying something like "try to look into" would get met with derision.

They told me, and I later observed for myself, that this type of looking and curiosity is part of how Indians generally are.

Im interested in issues of class, race, and labor, and so out of general curiosity I wanted to ask these workers about their jobs.

Anyone sharing creative work is making a contribution, however modest.> Ask questions out of curiosity.

Although, curiosity, VC as it exists in the Internet startup world is almost completely unrelated to the finance sector.

I was there essentially through misplaced intellectual curiosity, while others were there because their lives were so bad out of jail that crime was actually a rational survival choice.

More important: the real anti-intellectualism to look out for is the 'trial of Socrates' kind, not disregarding one form of transmitting knowledge because of your own intellectual curiosity.

Reading this post was very uncomfortable, especially the follow-ups describing women as having "no intellectual curiosity", but also the general tone.

Linking to a security research company will probably give better insight into the technical details how the attack happened, gratifying our intellectual curiosity, instead of just being a dumbed-down piece from some mass-market tech blog.

I don't think I've ever gagged quite like that while reading a technical article describing a "neat hack".At first I'm thinking, oh, I wonder how they convinced Apple to let them use some private APIs, and then... curiosity turns to revulsion as soon as I saw that proxy diagram.

Curiosity definitions


a state in which you want to learn more about something

See also: wonder


something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting

See also: curio oddity oddment peculiarity rarity