Rarity in a sentence as a noun

People still have phones that only text and call, but it's becoming a rarity.

Are engineers hired through these processes but then fired within the first 6-9 months a rarity?

I'm now one of the biggest OneNote advocates, a rarity for me with most software I like.

This yahoo example the reporter explained the issue pretty well but in my experience this is a rarity.

Our solar system is neither an extremely lucky coincidence or a rarity among other stars.

Antiques derive their value from rarity, implying that most examples weren't good enough to survive.

Obviously, it's a mix of both... but the rarity of great programmers suggests that either few have the talent, or quality work experience is thin on the ground.

Russian educational system is in one enormously epic ******* right now and people like this guy are going to be a real rarity in Russia.

Very occasionally, you'll find an advisor or a lab that will hold your hand through the entire multi-year process, but those experiences are a rarity.

Toilet paper was a precious rarity in 1980s Bulgaria.

Of course there were some exceptions, couple of great profs, several enthusiastic students, some courses taught from an O'Reilly book, but such anomalies were a precious rarity.

I find it darkly amusing that the rarity of these events is being invoked to convince people to moderate their concern, when this situation only exists due to the government's insistence that we treat even more rare events as gravely serious threats to our way of life.

Rarity definitions


noteworthy scarcity

See also: rareness infrequency


a rarified quality; "the tenuity of the upper atmosphere"

See also: tenuity


something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting

See also: curio curiosity oddity oddment peculiarity