Revulsion in a sentence as a noun

No. My co-founder is a woman and she had the same reaction of revulsion as I did from hearing this news.

Every language has its place and I don't see how this particular choice is cause for such revulsion.

Perhaps it was the men who felt less revulsion because they had less pride in their own powers, and were therefore more tractable.

Evidently, it inspires revulsion only if one is acquainted with more satisfying modes of work.

It's different, and I had some initial revulsion, but once you get over it, it can be one of the most pleasant desktop experiences you've ever had.

These are, after all, very natural expressions of revulsion and disgust for people not like ourselves, and we cannot be faulted for our instincts.

Though you may not share that sense of moral revulsion, please be aware that it reflects an instinct that you and any kids you may have will ultimately benefit from.

Here's a question to which most people experience revulsion, but must be thought of and answered honestly:Why not give everyone the same bonus based on company performance?

A right-wing party in the UK could not even begin to use any of the ideas or rhetoric of the republican party - they'd be widespread revulsion.

Women don't want to date you, parents always asking when are you getting a job, you have to put up with the revulsion at parties when you have to admit you are not drawing a salary...

My initial reaction to this blog post was basically revulsion on a gut level, but the more I think about it, the more my revulsion becomes justified on a rational level.

If we bear in mind that evil is in the eye of the beholder, then Chomsky--an American, an Israelite, a millionaire--is instantly unmasked in all of his self-revulsion.

Women don't want to date you, parents always asking when are you getting a job, you have to put up with the revulsion at parties when you have to admit you are not drawing a salary...I think you might be hanging around the wrong people...

I don't think I've ever gagged quite like that while reading a technical article describing a "neat hack".At first I'm thinking, oh, I wonder how they convinced Apple to let them use some private APIs, and then... curiosity turns to revulsion as soon as I saw that proxy diagram.

Do I even need to mention the "geek girl" ********?The problem has quickly become that this revulsion has also played into the jock-centric bullying of anyone who dares to be different--"my football coach won't let me grow my hair long so now let me go punch that ****** with the plastic frames" sort of ****.

I think the "creepy" factor of the images is probably due to the "uncanny valley"... Pixar fought this effect when they were first rendering humans"The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of robotics and 3D computer animation, which holds that when human replicas look and act almost, but not perfectly, like actual human beings, it causes a response of revulsion among human observers.

Revulsion definitions


intense aversion

See also: repugnance repulsion horror