Cuckold in a sentence as a noun

I have a question... Mao Zedong used to wear a green hat... that means that he was a cuckold?

It is the green-eyed monster which doth mockThe meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss

Americans have the same thing, the man is who thinks he is the father is called a cuckold.

For those not in the know, ‘wearing a green hat’ is a Chinese proverb meaning one is a cuckold.

> One special night, there was a husband with a cuckold fantasy who paid me to have sex with his wife.

I don't quite remember the full story, but I think it started when he called someone a cuckold or something?

For example "Cocu Social", a cooking startup, whose name in French would mean "gregarious cuckold".

As an earth sciences student I heard exactly the same myth about Nobel being cuckold by a geologist, explaining why there was no prize in geology.

Cuckold in a sentence as a verb

I think that the evolution would be cuckold to cuck, with cuckservative a derivative after cuck was already established.

When their browser and my server host kanoodle around in cyber space together, instead of having some creepy cuckold experience involving Google's server.

Hi, Billy..There's that piece of "folk wisdom" about making sure company names don't mean unexpected things in other languages.."Cocu", in French, a popular language, means "cuckold", as others have pointed out.

Looking at the normalised graph above, you can see that the misogynists of TheRedPill have been using "cuckold" since their subreddit began, and that it appears to have been shortened to "cuck" in 4chan at some point in 2014.

From the link:> Cuck began its life as cuckold, and when exactly its shortening became de rigeur will likely remain a mystery unless any intrepid data adventurer can scrape the entire log of 4chan from 2013/14 without losing the will to live.

Unfortunately I don't have the book with me right now but a quote from a review on Amazon will suffice:"And on pages 217-218 [Matt Ridley] explains why women cuckold their mates: "This is because her husband is, almost by definition, usually not the best male there is-else how would he have ended up married to her?

Who happened to be a Trojan prince.> That’s why they’ve all been camping out here for nine slow, deadly years: Defending the nonexistent honor of Agamemnon’s blank of a brother, the fool Menelaos, Menelaos the cuckold.> And now Kalkys has blurted out the one thing they’re all thinking: It’s Agamemnon’s fault we’re here!

Cuckold definitions


a man whose wife committed adultery


be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage; "She cheats on her husband"; "Might her husband be wandering?"

See also: cheat betray wander