Creative in a sentence as an adjective

You know, that thing the "creatives" love so much.

* More broadly, the best and most creative work comes from a root of joy and excitement.

And it is true that API design choices reflect all sorts of creative forms of expression.

Because the benefits that we all get from being able to control our creative work only last so long.

"This is the blogging platform for creative, intelligent, and witty people.

If we could all be as gracious and even-keeled and creative as Woz the world would be a better place.

Our senseless push to get kids to learn to code is like this senseless hyper-aggrandizing of the "creatives".

That's why our data is freely available and licensed under creative commons.

And so we have what is known as a public domain - a rich collection of creative output that is freely available to all.

Given enough time, we get what is known as a "common heritage" - something that far transcends the creative work of any one person.

Groupon's filing is scary because they were a little TOO creative with their math and they've done some undesirable things with their cash in the last 6 months.

Growing up he was crazy, creative, always saw things a little differently, prone to manic behavior.

The fallacy that the "creative" arts have been under appreciated in society is the largest piece of bollocks I've ever heard.

This new wave of complaining about the lack of attention to "the creative arts" reminds me of that good old cultural phenomenon known as mansplaining.

Anyone sharing creative work is making a contribution, however modest.> Ask questions out of curiosity.

Inventing a new method to deliver a new output can be creative, even inventive, including the choices of inputs needed and outputs returned.

As a matter of fact, not only is the cultural perception of coding and math as more mechanistic in contrast with humanities and the "creative arts" wrong, the opposite is , in fact, the case.

Fundamentally, Oracle had been arguing that the SSO of its 37 API packages reflected creative expression of precisely the type that the Copyright Act was intended to protect.

So this false dichotomy of "creatives" and mechanistic science robots propped up by people who simply don't want to learn math and are mad that not knowing math and science is less of a badge of honor in society anymore misses the point.

To deal with this issue, the judge got down to fundamentals, with the key language found at page 35 of the opinion: "Much of Oracles evidence at trial went to show that the design of methods in an API was a creative endeavor.

The design community generally doesn't like the idea of standards because they are a creative community, and there is no more damning phrase in the creative communities of the modern era than "unoriginal".

It advances the progress of the arts and sciences, while maintaining respectful consideration for the rights of authors and other creative individuals, and without adversely impacting the rights of copyright holders.

A nickname, full name, shortened name, set of initials, or even a creative symbol can all stand for the same person and it's nobody's business, especially for a free "social" site, what relationship that string of letters has to that person.

I may desire to create something wonderful and see to it that it is freely distributed to the maximum degree possible because I feel it is important that people benefit from my creative output without any obligation to me.

Those who value copyright and its social benefits in protecting creative output also value the public domain because it is a natural concomitant to the protected core of works that fall under copyright in any given generation.

Indeed, a key aspect of copyright is precisely to encourage people to create - to invest the very blood and sweat that it often takes to do something great - in order that society generally will be enhanced and improved as creative works are done, are made available to the world as the creator may decide, and eventually pass into the public domain.

Creative definitions


having the ability or power to create; "a creative imagination"

See also: originative


promoting construction or creation; "creative work"