Courtly in a sentence as an adjective

It only matters when you have to impress people, in a courtly procotol sense.

After all, how much entertainment was there back then once you'd got drunk in a courtly setting with mistresses and dismissed the lutes?

Sanskrit was very much a widely used scholarly and courtly language until the middle of the last millennium.

You're right that humour can help bring certain things to light where a more courtly scenario might not. I'd posit that the opposite is also true where a space with more formality can also be helpful.

A mix of swashbuckling adventure, science, alchemy, courtly romance, and politics.

Coupled with other things like the passive voice, I wonder if the "courtly" or "elegant" effect sought out was something like these researchers have been studying.

> saying she was too busy with courtly life to follow his instructionsThat's because his instructions were totally extreme even by today's standards.

Gentry Buddhism was a medium of introduction for the beginning of Buddhism in China, it gained imperial and courtly support.

I defiled, therefore, the spring of friendship with the filth of concupiscense, and I beclouded its brightness with the **** of lustfulness; and thus foul and unseemly, I would fain, through exceeding vanity, be fine and courtly.

Same reason Shakespeare built so many stories around exotic locations and courtly intrigue, same reason Dickens leveraged class distinctions to ratchet up the drama between his characters.

To harken back to something like the language of courtly love in medieval France, there are certain objects of our affection that reveal their beauty and charm only when we make a chivalrous but determined assault on their defenses; they remain impregnable if we don't lay siege to the fortress of their inherent complexity.

Courtly definitions


refined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court; "a courtly gentleman"

See also: formal stately