Ferret in a sentence as a noun

Because they lie for gain, we can ferret out their lies because we can ask, "Gee, does xyz have something to gain here?

In only a few weeks of taking ownership of the ferret the hair had returned to his tail.

>The ferret is an animal filled with curiosity and seeks out holes and burrows.

Jbg331 - while we wait for people to ferret out the right answer, can you tell us how the woman in question has responded to the "game"?

A few years back, I adopted a ferret from a friend who was heading off to the marines and wouldn't be able to take care of it.

That's a serious operational risk, even if she managed to ferret out some bad apples.

I would absolutely not want some rabid HR ferret demanding to paw through my private Facebook account.

Yet the adversarial process, when handled skillfully, tends to ferret out the truth and judges and juries do normally want to try to do right.

Ferret in a sentence as a verb

The laboratory scientists have designed and built a mechanical ferret, a device activated by compressed air and controlled by wires.

" Socrates of course was famous for using questions to try and ferret out truth; the idea that you couldn't have a conversation with a book seemed to make Socrates very cautious.

"Also, if you read the discussion, there's this point:"We found that a 1918-like avian virus exhibited pathogenicity in mice and ferrets higher than that of an authentic avian virus.

I'm sure it's something new and complex, like a ferret or a leprechaun got into the 7th backup power switch which overloaded this and that.. as usual something impressively difficult to plan for, but come on!

I make less than $80K, I'm solidly in the "middle class", and my effective federal income tax rate last year was less than 6% after deductions etc. People just don't understand how to set down with a copy of Turbo Tax and ferret out the deductions.

Having been peripherally involved in a project to slice up and image just a cubic millimeter of ferret brain, I think I can safely say that we are not going to be able to accomplish anything remotely like reading out the state of a human brain anytime in the foreseeable future.

Moreover, we demonstrated that acquisition of only a few amino acid substitutions can confer respiratory droplet transmission to 1918-like avian influenza viruses in a ferret model, suggesting that the potential exists for a 1918- like pandemic virus to emerge at any time from the avian virus gene pool.

Ferret definitions


musteline mammal of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct


domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits


hound or harry relentlessly


hunt with ferrets


search and discover through persistent investigation; "She ferreted out the truth"