Stately in a sentence as an adjective

I think a lot of people said "he isn't very smart" when what they meant was "he isn't very stately".

And just to be sure that said farmers have stately love in their hearts, let us cause a great famine in our bread bowl.

How about a stately, classic bank building engulfed in flames.

It looks like at attempt to look stately and more grand than the reality permits, and that's just tacky.

The UK is full of stately homes whose owners couldn't maintain or sometimes even heat.

Sure, if you have a stately home I could imagine the reason for it. No one wants to walk for 10 minutes to go to the loo in the middle of the night.

Generations of stars had succeeded each other in stately sweeps across its barren skies.

Nick and Chris would never explicitly admit it, but in unguarded moments it seemed clear that they missed their old idea, the one they’d come up with on the boat, the one that had served a broad and stately social purpose.

The UK went through some of that at the start of the century where the country used to be owned by lord whatever in his stately home and then 80-90% taxes caused then to lose that and the places are now mostly owned by the National Trust and open to the public as historical exhibits.

From dainty modest shotguns to gingerbread victorian family homes, to stately mansions, each of them were carefully crafted, using materials pleasant to the touch and sight, with ornamentation that arose naturally, and even though sometimes elaborate, never garrish, always human.

Stately definitions


impressive in appearance; "a baronial mansion"; "an imposing residence"; "a noble tree"; "severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses"; "stately columns"

See also: baronial imposing noble


of size and dignity suggestive of a statue

See also: statuesque


refined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court; "a courtly gentleman"

See also: courtly formal