Corundum in a sentence as a noun

I can see why, though - it's an easier sell than calling it just corundum.

Plain old corundum - you can get pieces of it the size of your fist if you see what is left after welding railroad tracks with termite.

With corundum, the schedule is enforced in hardware, so it is extremely precise and does not add any CPU overhead.

I assume you mean corundum, which is most definitely workable with time, patience, and lots of abrasive powder.

Chances of the magical electrolyte that removes the corundum being mercury based?

Specifically, it's corundum that's blue because it's got titanium and iron impurities.

Here is a billion dollar question: If we mix aluminum with mercury will we be able to use it as a real battery with high enough efficiency?Or to get real freaky: thermite -> Fe + Al2O3 + electricity, Then we break down corundum to al + o?

Corundum definitions


very hard mineral used as an abrasive

See also: corundom