Cortex in a sentence as a noun

Contrast this to damage to your motor cortex which can result in paralysis.

If you look at my cortex example, you do use setters and getters, which give you a way to notify data change.

The experience I had with converting visual to audio and using my audio cortex was tremendous.

I don't know how I'd feel when I turn old though, as your frontal cortex deteriorates, causing you to have less empathy and concern for your surrounding.

From anatomical studies, we also know that there are "loops" formed between non-motor areas of the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum.

Researchers speak of anodal stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

It's amazing because it's so clearly, wildly complementary: Google becomes the prefrontal cortex to Boston Dynamics' robotic central nervous systems.

I was actually able to get it to work as advertised, and I believe that given 10 hours a day practice for a month, you could detect a sense of depth perception and make out attributes in your environment through your audio cortex enough to walk around slowly without bumping into things.

Cortex definitions


the layer of unmyelinated neurons (the grey matter) forming the cortex of the cerebrum

See also: pallium


the tissue forming the outer layer of an organ or structure in plant or animal


the tissue that surrounds the lens nucleus