Corpse in a sentence as a noun

"If you killed yourself, I wouldn’t even **** the corpse.

The tone really got me.. it's like an alien infested corpse trying to mix with normal humans...

The only reason why the corpse of AIG was kept alive was because AIG owed Goldman Sachs a lot of money.

In UX terms, most of them are just "painting the corpse" - pretty portrayals of fairly meaningless numbers.

We see some birds gathering around a corpse, we know that if we did that we would be "mourning", but that does not mean that they are.

On the other hand, you can pry Chrome out of my cold, dead, festering corpse's fingers when I'm on Windows 8's desktop.

But a legend never ages, never goes into maintenance mode, never gets buried neck-deep in strategy tax. I can't hate _why for info-dying young and leaving a good looking cyber-corpse.

When i saw her dead just minutes after she had died, the first corpse i'd ever seen, one the things that popped into my head was how happy i should be to be alive.

You build a massive corpse ejector into that train that launches my body through the air across the people waiting in line onto a giant trampoline over a body funnel.

Bob quotes a price, which DPR says is twice the last price that DPR has arranged a ****** at. DPR eventually agrees to the price, pays, and instructs Bob to take a photograph of the corpse with a random alphanumeric string in the frame, to ascertain that the photograph was indeed produced after the request.

But the the corpse of the deleted object in turn holds references to script objects which it has not been marking previously because this C++ object didn't exist anymore when the sweep started.

Nowadays to me the city feels like a an embalmed corpse - superficially resembling some idealistic long-ago era while lacking any real semblance of function.

I am also strongly convinced that Rails is never the right solution; as long as I'm employed at this organization, it will embark upon a new Rails project only over my metaphorical smoking corpse.

If I wasn't using Google Chrome's web developer tools I'd probably consider JavaScript to be a nightmarish corpse of a language that punishes the slightest of typos with a silent malicious grin... Only by the grace of tools is JS tame at all+100000.

It's like the literature world's cut-up/exquisite corpse work: if you can disassemble an original like this and put it back together in a way that we humans are inclined to extract meaning from, does that change the meaning that you perceive in the original work?

Corpse definitions


the dead body of a human being; "the cadaver was intended for dissection"; "the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse"; "the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river"; "honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay"

See also: cadaver stiff clay remains