Remains in a sentence as a noun

He should be getting about 16% of the company, assuming he remains for 4 years.

I guess the fact remains that they had to subsidise this activity somehow - and that they made their money off popular content.

But regardless of your position on that, it remains the employer's decision, and therefore their mistake, to fire this person.

The manufacturers are slowly moving in this area, but the culture of the ISA being proprietary remains.

My question remains - why do you want to try appealing to a group of people to whom Facebook is "the internet" and who do everything through Facebook?

That Mozilla is and remains a place where any employee can express their views on political issues, even if they know they're contrary to the CEO's.

> In changing its position, Go Daddy remains steadfast in its promise to support security and stability of the Internet.

You spend money you can't afford on things you don't "need" because you need just something, anything, to make it feel like you are actually alive and not just some "thing", only there to feed on the remains you can come across.

The article focuses on "everyday object" manipulation, but he's right about technology too: there are a wealth of common HCI tools that glass cannot accommodate.- The textual keyboard remains one of the fastest methods of text entry.

Remains definitions


any object that is left unused or still extant; "I threw out the remains of my dinner"


the dead body of a human being; "the cadaver was intended for dissection"; "the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse"; "the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river"; "honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay"

See also: cadaver corpse stiff clay