Contestation in a sentence as a noun

Sure, but there was contestation about adding it to the DSM.

Facebook is not the cool thing anymore, it faces many contestations.

If there is contestation of paternity or a legal dispute, a judge can and will mandate a test.

I assume there has to some form of narrative contestation going on on any open online forum.

The contestation is magic, although we have lost in recent years even the pretence of some kind of semblance of impartiality.

This sort of thing is the best conterargument they can possibly have against contestation of their legitimacy to hold foreign art.

There is not a single Chinese "regime" - the space of contestation of politics is simply different than in the US. There's an enormous amount of sometimes extremely emotionally intense conflict within the CCP.

Such issues are frequently the subject of legal contestation, and the writing and administration of laws are inherently political.

As we shall see in 2e, Žižek is alert to the realist insight that there is no more effective political gesture than to declare some contestable matter above political contestation.

In a liberal democracy, we usually balance the two, by placing some realm of basic human and constitutional rights outside the realm of democratic political contestation.

I favour ranked choice and/or MMP and would support any reform proposed to achieve better institutions of electoral representation, but nothing is going to get around the fundamentally two-party nature of the contestation of the presidency.

So the following calculation obtained by the statistician Pitcairn will be admitted without contestation: by dividing the number of victims fallen under the projectiles by that of the members of the Gun Club, he found that each one of them had killed, on his own account, an average of two thousand three hundred and seventy-five men and a fraction.> By considering such a result it will be seen that the single preoccupation of this learned society was the destruction of humanity philanthropically, and the perfecting of firearms considered as instruments of civilisation.

Contestation definitions


a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement; "they were involved in a violent argument"

See also: controversy contention disputation disceptation tilt argument arguing