Arguing in a sentence as a noun

Why is such a smart person as Crockford wasting his time arguing about semicolons in 2012?

"Yes they are arguing against the patent system, at least for software, as do many in the industry.

Someone needs to do a mashup of his first campaign speech to end abuses, arguing against this other person

But that's not necessarily what Semmelweis was arguing.

I mean, look at the amount of people around here arguing for readability over correctness.

".Soon, there will be nothing left but a wasteland and some lawyers arguing over who gets to own half a dead cat while they warm their hands on oil drums full of burning currency.

I know it sounds surreal, but they are arguing here that you only control your own body with respect to abortion, intimate relations, and euthanasia.

So I just gave up and copy-pasted the text into the little Facebook comment box, arguing meanwhile with Facebook about what the goddamn enter key means.

Capping at 12 would mean that both parties arguing might get the same public presentation of 00FF00 and that might quell the need for parties to prove that they're the winner of the argument by popular vote.

"They’re effectively arguing against the idea of the patent system itself, simply because Android violates a bunch of patents held by Google’s competitors.

Fundamentally, Oracle had been arguing that the SSO of its 37 API packages reflected creative expression of precisely the type that the Copyright Act was intended to protect.

So instead of arguing about how much photos should cost --- because, again, they cost what the market says they cost, not what you think it costs to make them yourself --- think instead about how this discussion applies to your own work product.

And arguing about "cleanest for any language" is just a proxy for a language flamewar.- "And nobody can glare at you and demand to know why you used 576 classes when you should have used 50, because in Java doing it with only 50 classes is probably impossible.

In such cases, with institutional investors, you may still find yourself arguing about valuation in negotiating caps but the process is nowhere near as involved as it is with a typical equity round and founders with leverage can usually dispense with caps as well.

Arguing definitions


a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement; "they were involved in a violent argument"

See also: controversy contention contestation disputation disceptation tilt argument