Consideration in a sentence as a noun

This points to incompetence and lack of consideration much more so than "This ****'s hard, yo!

Sadly, if you want thoughtful consideration of complex issues, he'll stand in the way of whoever would deliver.---------------There, how was that?

Amongst other problems with that, deodorant is what we call a "low consideration" market - as in, you just don't really think about it.

" State administrators would hear this a few times about a piece and then pull the material from any further consideration, not even pilot testing.

There's much better companies more deserving of your time and consideration, and you'll certainly be treated better.## Just to add on, I don't have a problem with logic problems.

The question of how to write software should be founded in careful consideration of specific problem domains, experience and research, and studied approaches.

For your consideration:They allow a patent troll to potentially set a legal precedent for what constitutes a big part of their app infrastructure.

Feel free to ask for more elaboration if you do not understand the mechanics of how this works, or why it will quickly dominate the pool of people willing to receive $50 in consideration for $100 of Starbucks cards.

If by "if-by-whiskey" you mean the fallacious, ****-flopping, cowardly practice of pandering, then certainly I am against it. But, if when you say "if-by-whiskey" you mean the circumspect, open-minded, responsive practice of consideration, then I am certainly for it. This is my stand.

It advances the progress of the arts and sciences, while maintaining respectful consideration for the rights of authors and other creative individuals, and without adversely impacting the rights of copyright holders.

" I posit that it's better than not bonding at all, but if you really want to dismiss my friendships and suggest the only way to forge lifetime male bonding is to form an underground anarchist militia and make bombs out of soap, I'll take that under consideration.

If I am doing a desktop search for local files, it is not be expectation that that search will be transmitted to servers without my consent, and that it does so makes it spyware even if we don't also take into consideration that it is being done to track my interests for monetary gain in the form of referral links.

Consideration definitions


the process of giving careful thought to something


information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; "another consideration is the time it would take"

See also: circumstance condition


a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting); "consideration of the traffic problem took more than an hour"


kind and considerate regard for others; "he showed no consideration for her feelings"

See also: considerateness thoughtfulness


a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone

See also: retainer


a considerate and thoughtful act

See also: thoughtfulness