Monetary in a sentence as an adjective

Europe runs the same type of monetary system.

The fundamental problem is that the monetary systems of the modern world are all designed on the Wile E. Coyote principle.

Sometimes they'll take an entire year off work to do something with no monetary gain, like a Burning Man or an open source project.

During the Great Depression, he was accused of changing his position on monetary policy, to which he responded, "When the facts change, I change my mind.

"What we want from a monetary system isnt to make people holding money rich; we want it to facilitate transactions and make the economy as a whole rich.

Of course, it is possible that a lawyer may be willing to take on the case, at substantial cost, just to get publicity or for some other non-monetary motive.

Here's a friendly critique: using the monetary cost of your education to establish your credibility is not a good idea.

It adopted a monetary system that works when the government controls the currency, and adopted it in a situation where governments cannot print money.

I understand that their support staff is extremely limited, but it is still unacceptable, especially because they're dealing with monetary transactions.

However, the statement about the duration of the establishment of a monetary system derives largely from theory that was wholly written before there where computers or the internet.

It's for all of the people who smugly told us for years that Bitcoin is superior to our "legacy" fiat managed and regulated monetary system system in every way, and anyone who can't see that is an idiot.

I know "lifestyle businesses" are perennially unpopular in parts of SV, but part of the whole point of being your own boss is that you really can choose to, say, spend 10% of your workweek attending meetups, even if it doesn't produce a monetary ROI, and you don't have to justify it to your employer.

If I am doing a desktop search for local files, it is not be expectation that that search will be transmitted to servers without my consent, and that it does so makes it spyware even if we don't also take into consideration that it is being done to track my interests for monetary gain in the form of referral links.

Europeans have traditionally found this kind of pre-occupation with monetary success somewhat crass or trivial.> Europeans don’t realize that if a company that went from nothing to connecting 7 million homes is not celebrated...That's total BS. You dont need a culture of fanatical adoration of business success for their to be successful businesses.> if a company ... is not celebrated ... we will not get young Europeans on the right trackIt really worrisome how these people have to go around reminding everyone how amazing they are.

He presents data that there was an adequate food supply in Bengal at the time, but particular groups of people including rural landless labourers and urban service providers like haircutters did not have the monetary means to acquire food as its price rose rapidly due to factors that include British military acquisition, panic buying, hoarding, and price gouging, all connected to the war in the region.

Monetary definitions


relating to or involving money; "monetary rewards"; "he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services"

See also: pecuniary