Conjunct in a sentence as an adjective

" If it is conjunct, it should not be a problem.

My reading was that it was conjunct with the other clauses, it would be very sneaky if it weren't.

If we are currently in line 2, the second conjunct of the invariant doesn't change.

क्स, क्या and र्थ each form individual conjunct consonants.

I learned that my moon is “conjunct to natal Venus,” which meant I should “spend time with friends” because I was “particularly magnetic” that day.

You can probably replace the second conjunct with "for all processes, if the x value is 0, then the process is not done", but the proof gets a bit harder.

The final "letter" in that string is a compound character, and there's no clear evidence that it needs to be treated as an independent one. Even while in primary school, we were taught the final "letter" in the author's name as a conjunct.

But conjuncts in Devanagari are much more numerous and widely used, probably because the individual consonant forms are fairly complex.

>But if you are claiming there is some fundamental upper bound to our understanding, and that a complete functional understanding of the human body is beyond that upper boundI'm claiming the first conjunct.

Conjunct definitions


progressing melodically by intervals of a second; "conjunct motion of an ascending scale"


bound in close association; "conjunct influences"; "conjunct ideas"


involving the joint activity of two or more; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities"

See also: concerted conjunctive cooperative