Epistolary in a sentence as an adjective

There have been successful epistolary novels and plays.

The men I met on the internet, and then subsequently in person, didn't require this epistolary preamble, nor did they offer it.

Kind of like an "epistolary interactive fiction adventure" with a hacker angle.

I want an epistolary ****** mystery that takes the form of a thread on a popular website that includes the killer dropping hints and evidence of his crime.

To be fair, it's probably more reasonable to judge it in the stream of epistolary / didactic literature than purely narrative.

Maybe an epistolary hypertext style where the reader follows her own path through the contents of a web diary, with some progress flags or similar to trigger "new post"-style stuff at points where it will make sense to the individual reader.

Maybe this makes the movie more of an epistolary than the three-act structure that movies are normally compared against, so zooming out until some overarching consistency emerges is not always the most faithful mode of analysis.

Not facetiously, it's like the shortest possible follow-on to a progressively lipogrammatic epistolary fable

From a certain epistolary novel published around seventy years ago I quote the following passage:"If a man simply lets others pay for him, he is 'mean'; if he boasts of it in a jocular manner and twits his fellows with having been scored off, he is no longer 'mean' but a comical fellow.

Epistolary definitions


written in the form of or carried on by letters or correspondence; "an endless sequence of epistolary love affairs"; "the epistolatory novel"

See also: epistolatory