Concealing in a sentence as a noun

A mixer's sole purpose in life is collect a fee for concealing sources of money.

Instruct them to **** the coin twice, concealing the results from the survey-giver.

If it's found that he only changed his MAC to bypass a restriction, it could be seen as concealing.

If they can't control the risk, it becomes little more than a way of concealing from people what the take-home is going to be.

Might be that some of the "no" answerers are actually just concealing their true nature as adblocking zealots.

There absolutely is a point to concealing your previous salary until after they give you a job offer with defined terms.

Probably because the -4 limit on displayed comment scores was already concealing the actual score.

The term "money laundering" originally referred to the practice of concealing the movement of funds involved in a crime.

But I suspect that there's nothing illegal about randomizing your MAC address or concealing your online identity.

Concealing in a sentence as an adjective

Now they've redefined it so that concealing the movement of funds is itself a crime, even if the funds are entirely legitimate and no other crime is involved.

This doesn't mean that the person is lying or concealing their feelings, but that those feelings are unconsciously attached to external subjects in order to give them an outlet.

A solid legal argument for switching your MAC address, hiding a laptop in a closet, and deliberately concealing your face to try to avoid recognition?

The new era of encryption will be marked not by making existing encryption solutions more secure, but by concealing the very act of existence of encrypted data.

[0] "Membership-concealing overlay networks" by Vasserman et al. CCS09[1] "Crowds: anonymity for Web transactions" by Reiter and Rubin.

The Glim-dropper scam involves the mark trying make money by inserting oneself as an intermediary who provides no benefit, concealing his true intentions.

It is equally possible that Apple is a giant conspiracy dedicated to concealing the grey aliens who actually control human civilization and are harvesting our brainwaves, which actually function as the raw compute for a giant intergalactic payments call center application, via Flappy Bird.

That assumption is an oversimplification, concealing myriad dependencies, power/negotiating imbalances, information asymmetry, imperfect markets, lack of choice, restricted individual freedom, etc.

Concealing definitions


the activity of keeping something secret

See also: concealment hiding


covering or hiding; "the concealing darkness"; "concealing curtains prevented discovery"