Compression in a sentence as a noun

"Why should the whole stack of parsers, crypto, compression, etc.

Why should the whole stack of parsers, crypto, compression, etc.

The ungzipped version is larger, but the compression is great.

There's a lot you can do when isothermal compression is possible.

Anti-money laundering is hard and margin compression at banks has thinned compliance teams.

Essentially, they can use semantic compression to increase their reading speed by only bothering to read what they find to be relevant.

Weeks went to the whiteboard and gave a tutorial on the chemistry, which involved an ion-exchange process that produced a compression layer on the surface of the glass.

The next generation made gifs because "making gifs is what clever artistic people do on the internet".It's always been easy to create a looped animation format that combines the feature list above with a better compression scheme.

But to be honest, we've never had a return for it being too thin.>> the fact that is made of foam only makes it worse as with that thickness it will unavoidable deform with usageOur foam should last 5-7 years before there is any deformity/compression.

This seems to be a rare case where removing words adds information, rather than removing it: "The talks failed because of politics" means roughly what it says, while "The talks failed because politics" means roughly "The talks failed because of politics, which is the kind of thing that always happens when politics are involved".Any linguists care to comment whether there's a term for this kind of meaning compression?

Compression definitions


an increase in the density of something

See also: compaction concretion densification


the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; "the contraction of a gas on cooling"

See also: condensation contraction


encoding information while reducing the bandwidth or bits required


applying pressure

See also: compressing