Compressing in a sentence as a noun

The bottom end is rising, and the top end is compressing, but I don't believe we'll ever see them equalize.

This is only compressing the files that were changed since the last patch, not the entire game client, so larger patches would take longer.

If you turned the Earth into a black hole by somehow compressing it past the required radius, the moon would still orbit it the same way.

This generates heat because you are compressing the air of course but its windy so you've got heat sink vanes in the air flow being cooled by convection.

Note to anyone that doesn't do much crypto: You have to compress before encrypting, compressing after encrypting has no effect.

They're not dictating how you use JS, best practices, or anything like that, it's simply a pipeline for compressing and delivering assets.

This forces your calcium crystalline frame-member to depress, compressing your saline-filled lipid-polymer foam skin against the keyboard.

I like the basic concept of compressing json to json but this is not a particularly good way to do it- since the order of those keys may not be preserved in round trips through json encoders and decoders in various languages.

Steve Capps had recently come up with a simple scheme for compressing ROM-based icons to save space, so we compressed the icon using his technique, which not only reduced the overhead but also made it much harder to detect the icon.

We are doing that by compressing a fusion plasma repeatedly to generate energy, rather than trying to heat and confine it for long periods.\nThe main difference is that Helion uses high field pulsed magnets to compress the plasma, GF uses pistons to generate liquid metal shocks.

And after you have solved the problems of collecting, matching velocity with, and cooling/compressing the plasma, a Bussard Ramjet is only worthwhile if you have an extremely efficient system for capturing all of the waste heat from those processes and injecting it back into the exhaust.

Compressing definitions


applying pressure

See also: compression