Densification in a sentence as a noun

People who prefer to live in suburbs often seem to oppose zoning that allows densification.

Were that true, it would lend encouragement and support to those favoring densification.

For LTE and LTE-A, the densification from C-RAN will help a lot, but most carriers are a long way from deploying it unfortunately.

Bay Area is ripe for reurbanization and densification, but 1.

It's those opposing densification: Paris is beautiful and has a density of 21,000/km^2.

There are or have been dozens of “plans” —- most of them half-baked, to develop parts of the desert to reduce densification and centralization in Cairo.

I see what you're saying, that densification and building up vertically means each unit represents a smaller proportion of the footprint of the building.

The propagation in that band is very short, so the "densification" mentioned in the article would require a huge number of small cells, far more than is currently envisioned.

Maybe high taxes on land area would encourage densification if they were sufficiently high, but I suspect the prices necessary would cause problems in other areas.

There are a lot of issues, and densification is certainly happening in the downtown cores, but I don't believe it is enough to keep up with the demands put on it by population increases.

Second-order effects of densification and development improve the prognosis of many organisms.

Gas prices and the relative prices of train commuting/car commuting/real estate may change the dynamic of transportation in the future, but I don't think the densification that it entails is an unabashed good for the common man or that my preference for trains is a substitute for comprehensive realistic transportation policies.

Densification definitions


an increase in the density of something

See also: compaction compression concretion