Cleric in a sentence as a noun

Pakistan wasn't created by an imam or cleric.

In the base AD&D 1st Edition, you had a cleric and no other backstory.

In an MMO, if you get to level 80 as a cleric, you can go back and redo all the zones as a warrior.

I saw an old cleric at a funeral of one of the protesters killed in Egypt on AlJazeera.

In Pakistan, more than half of our history, we've been ruled by dictators but not once we got an Imam or a cleric.

At least, not without living like a cleric, cloistered away in the library of some convent or monastery for most of one's life.

Is that the version where Kim is a muslim cleric who is trying to destroy America from a secret volcano in Iceland?

Right now the number of privileged communication vectors is pretty low - you can talk in confidence to your lawyer, doctor, or cleric about most things and know your secrets are safe.

What then?Perhaps you're a Muslim cleric, or one of the many people who simultaneously condemn terrorism and American foreign policy.

We have huge interest-based banks since forever where banks are a total no-no in Islam.>Afghanistan is going to be an Islamic country, some version of an Islamic country, but still an Islamic country, likely run by a king, strong man, or clericNot sure you can lump up kings with clerics and make an argument out of that.

Cleric definitions


a clergyman or other person in religious orders

See also: churchman divine ecclesiastic