Chauvinistic in a sentence as an adjective

>It's sad that we should expect Haskell users to be chauvinistic about static typing. We don't expect that.

Every OS has chauvinistic users, but there's nothing to be gained by trotting them out for strawman arguments.

You're not doing a hero's work, you're just being mildly chauvinistic, and on top of it all trivializing sexual abuse. Be critical of the basis of her claims all you like.

There's nothing chauvinistic about it. If you want to hear people honestly and accurately describe "static" type system's flaws -- talk to type system theorists.

What is this if not "a chauvinistic belief in the inferiority of women?" Simple answer: it's an objective fact.

A few generic responses to mundane and chauvinistic questions. But, since his campaign team ended up referencing the "NOT BAD" meme, Reddit swallowed it all up with gusto.

It's sad that we should expect Haskell users to be chauvinistic about static typing. I have yet to read anyone who advocates for dynamic typing describe static typing as a "flaw".

Tinder, being male dominated, will naturally have a slight chauvinistic culture. She wasn't pushed aside for being a female, the author hasn't provided evidence to support such a claim.

His writing has a lot in common with sports commentary -- Apple is "his team", and he can be chauvinistic about them, but he's trying, in his own way, to understand the whole league.

Unfortunately, the male-dominated tech world is pretty chauvinistic when it comes to women in positions of power. If she's headstrong and takes no BS, then she must be sleeping with someone in a position of power.

I also get that there are plenty of dudes in tech being giant assholes or chauvinistic or sexist or misogynist or whatever other words you'd like to call them. But why is that so much more of a problem than the obvious sexism in other areas?

Nothing chauvinistic about that statement... it's just acknowledging reality.

I am concerned that nowadays, when a guy points that we are not going towards gender equality, but overshooting it, he is labeled to be chauvinistic and buried under a mountain of hate. The original article was polite and had a point, he didn't deserve this.

There is still a difference between bigoted, chauvinistic superstitions and scapegoating, and disagreements about public policy happening in good faith. You haven't answered my second question.

My point about the white knighting, was that Cantrill from Joyent is pretty much taking an apologetic stance as if Ben committed a chauvinistic crime against women in programming. He's taking a steaming dump on Ben, in order to look 'politically correct', and defender of woman's rights, for him and his company.

I generally take a feminist stance with these things, and am of the opinion that women's jobs being at the mercy of chauvinistic 'brogrammers' or some such ******** is exactly that: ********. Given the desire and the determination, any woman interested in the field can pursue a career in it, and the field does not prevent that.

Chauvinistic definitions


of or relating to persons convinced of the superiority of their own gender or kind


fanatically patriotic

See also: jingoistic nationalistic ultranationalistic superpatriotic