Jingoistic in a sentence as an adjective

Your line of reasoning is similar to the jingoistic "USA! Love it or leave it!"

Now you tell them exactly what to do -- and it's totally rigid and even a bit jingoistic.

I'm not usually so jingoistic, but this one-off comment was really quite strange.

But no, it was just some jingoistic piece singling out one foreign country. I accept that the Chinese government is terrible.

Republicans won't do it, because they have a rah-rah jingoistic voting base to appeal to. Democrats won't do it, because they don't want to look "soft on terrorism."

This is a very jingoistic mentality. Perhaps Ecuador cares about human rights?

--- Then again, it's a double-edged sword if increasingly advanced ways to bombard you with distraction, or make trash jingoistic war games, come along for the ride.

Wow, I am totally shocked that a Republican congressman would sponsor jingoistic, borderline-racist laws such as this.

[Possibly jingoistic downvoters -- do you actually think these websites are decent, or even half-decent? Be honest.

At least the heroes in those implausible stories behaved like heroes, rather than villains who you only identify with out of some jingoistic team spirit.

>Foreignness factor I know NSA's mandate is to spy on foreigners, but it's still very jingoistic and xenophobic that not being American makes it OK to spy on you.

Second -- regarding your edit, everytime you try to break it down to a silly jingoistic binary sentiment like that, you're turning your brain off. Anonymous isn't against your country but they're very much against you being enabled to do that.

The jingoistic rationale will be indisputable--they'll say, "We are training our opponents to defeat us." I cannot conceive of the sea change such an event would bring to higher level education and global politics.

The editors know that Indians are susceptible to jingoistic patriotism." Wow Indians did this?

Org/wiki/CIA-Osama_bin_Laden_controversy Dunno if I'd go as far as saying they were still pals in the last decade but I would warn you that jingoistic fervor is a terrible reason to suspend critical thought or curiosity. Boogeymen are enormously useful tools to those who have power.

Of course the world would be more efficient if translation was not necessary, but demanding everyone stop being so "lazy" and learn English is a presumptuous jingoistic fantasy.

He has been jingoistic, using patriotic rhetoric to amass votes from nationalistic and conservative people alike. Yet, when it comes to leadership in Japan's political arena, there are hardly any viable candidates.

This is a jingoistic view of "drug users" that really needs to die. ********* "users" are normal people -- with a slim majority supporting ********* legalization and a significant fraction of that openly admitting ********* use, the old stoner/loser stereotype is hopefully on its last legs.

It's pretty telling that even an article trying to question the culture of unquestionable-exceptionalism is still chock-full of jingoistic language that says "if we just fix a few things we'll be the best country on earth again", as if such a thing was or is factual or even possible. Not "exceptionalism is a myth" but "exceptionalism needs a new paint job".

I've seen the poverty in rural China first hand, industrialisation over there has it's rough edges that need to be addressed, but if we care about world poverty then that means cutting all the jingoistic claptrap and 'allowing' them to earn a better living. There are legitimate cases where buying locally makes sense, especially in the case of regional foods or traditionally crafted goods.

The only thing that non-Americans can try to do is not engage with American businesses, but this doesn't really work either, as from the jingoistic perspective taken by US leadership and media this would be the "unfree world" "ganging up" because "they hate our freedom", and would only lead to yet more of the same, deeper isolation, and the vicious cycle continues. It's very much worth noting that this is not a uniquely American phenomenon.

Jingoistic definitions


fanatically patriotic

See also: chauvinistic nationalistic ultranationalistic superpatriotic