Characterize in a sentence as a verb

I wouldn't characterize that as a rant, Rails is a Ghetto was a rant.

"I think he broke the law, so I certainly wouldn’t characterize him as a hero.

"Why does it characterize most customer bases very well?

It's not "offended" people and to characterize it as such is so out of line, I'm not sure how best to express it.

I would like to characterize this better and fix things so we can support somewhere between 100GB-1TB databases well.

When even the people who ought to care - the techies that know better - buy into it, I think it's fair to characterize an overall sense of acceptance.

"The gamma distribution is a perfect candidate, since it characterizes most customer bases very well.

Nothing derogatory said here about him or his business is meant that way, merely to characterize the people who would see him in a derogatory light.

Forgive me if I'm about to mis-characterize you, but it sounds to me a lot like you've seen one question and decided on that basis that the person in question must be racist.

It's unfair to characterize all startups as nirvana, and it's likewise unfair to label them all as run by evil masterminds taking advantage of their employees.

I'm accused upthread of "mincing words" but would respond by arguing that any attempt to characterize the process in this post as "direct access" is a much finer mince; a brunoise of words, if you will.

Like most people, I don't care about unlocked cell phones per se, it's just a consequence of a principle I very roughly characterize as "I want to do what I want with the things I own so long as there's no detrimental social effect.

>Can we please just let the family grieve?You can also "man up" and admit you might have been wrong to characterize a hacker, however successful, asking for financial help in the face of a very serious legal battle as "seriously wrong".

It's pretty striking that a media organization which has almost no restriction on the words it publishes would characterize a torture program that included 183 waterboardings and 180 hours of sleep deprivation as "harsh interrogation"

But I do think that it isn't quite fair to characterize the solo-founder equation as a formula for failure when the vantage point from which this conclusion is reached is one where there's a huge enterprise and ecosystem behind the startups to provide funding, coaching, guidance and all that might be required in order to succeed.

Characterize definitions


describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover"

See also: qualify characterise


be characteristic of; "What characterizes a Venetian painting?"

See also: characterise