Characterise in a sentence as a verb

I don't think it's fair to characterise this as just bait - there has to be a reward for both parties in an offer like this.

Based on various scandals in the past, many people characterise CEOs as being sociopaths.

It's not correct to characterise homelessness as caused by mental problems.

What's worse is those people who characterise an entire community by one poster's comment, which isn't particularly mirrored in the rest of the thread.

Devious loopholes are applauded for their ingenuity and characterise most development in the modern sport.

I wonder if this tendency to characterise people as 'haters' was brought about by the increasing divisiveness of American politics.

"Many people went thru an 'illegal period'..." What?I think there's a pretty massive difference between the speeding, soft-*****, petty vandalism and theft that characterise common illegal teenage behaviours and large scale fraud.

You also characterise the registration process as an exercise for the Breakfast Network to “persuade regulators they deserve the right to publish before they are allowed to do so”.

I would struggle to characterise a company that brings a lawsuit claiming exclusive ownership of the very idea of graphical user interfaces as a good company.

'All around us right now so many of we, the people, are increasingly alarmed at the outrageous and unlawful intrusion of governments into our lives and the compromising of our freedoms by them and yet you seem to want to characterise this as a trivial matter.

I took and enjoyed linear algebra using that text-- it didn't specifically address the QM I deal with as a physicist, but since the author can't predict each student's future, I'd hardly characterise that as a problem with the text!If it was used as a course on portfolios, ok, bad choice -- but directed against a general linear algebra text, your criticism doesn't seem very valid.

Characterise definitions


be characteristic of; "What characterizes a Venetian painting?"

See also: characterize


describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover"

See also: qualify characterize