Ceremonial in a sentence as a noun

And to me that is just plain wrong, ceremonial or not.

No, it has a kind of ceremonial importance.

He has a doctorate in CS, not philosophy, despite the ceremonial Latin name of the degree.

They don't matter anymore, except for ceremonial purposes.

" Why do you think that ceremonial burial is a near-universal element of human culture?

Ceremonial in a sentence as an adjective

This list is yet another example of how the condemned receive something that neither their victims nor most other convicts get: a ceremonial death.

People from Python and Ruby have an easier time learning the exceptions than sticking to the rule, since their habits are usually to omit the ceremonial EOL punctuation.

"That might be the best summary of the strengths of Clojure: it helps you think about data structures and transformation, rather than thinking about the ceremonial and imperative code that your language needs to hear.

A "mis-use of JS"?It's certainly non-canonical - but I'd argue that many "standard" common practices got their start being just as heretical and then were later replaced by standardized ceremonial ways of doing things.

> rarely-worn, extremely expensive and generally inconvenient Victorian-era ceremonial dressThis annoys me.

Ceremonial definitions


a formal event performed on a special occasion; "a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor"

See also: ceremony observance


marked by pomp or ceremony or formality; "a ceremonial occasion"; "ceremonial garb"