Observance in a sentence as a noun

But gcc has long honored the dumber parts of the standard more in the breach than the observance.

In the past, some countries have changed their DST observance mere weeks before it was supposed to happen.

Judaism has always stressed ritual observance, not articles of faith.

But on the whole, as an adult, I don't see small towns in the US insisting on religious observance from a given person.

The NSA has been doing this for a long time and have missed things like the Boston bombing while there was plenty of evidence that required further observance.

In Russia we have a popular saying, "the severity of Russian laws is offset by their non-observance".

When a person is out of the state of "constantly focus your mind on pure observance and acceptance of all that exists in the current moment," what comes next?

By constantly focus your mind on pure observance and acceptance of all that exists in the current momentI'd like to follow up, please, on what these words mean.

My observations seem to indicate that the level of "taboo observance" is distributed in a bell curve over the incomes.

They didn't ask for editorial control; they asked for observance of the Terms of Service, with the option on their side to discontinue service.

The early church had many disagreements, especially over observance of Jewish law such as circumcision.

A nice quote from Jefferson that I spotted in the comments:"[a] strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest.

As well as a migrant population whose extremist religious observance tests the patience of the long-standing Dutch tolerance and liberal values.

To ensure the observance of these regulations, the LME has a compliance department under the supervision of the Executive Director of Regulation & Compliance.

This includes, for example,, \n monitoring of the observance of economic sanctions, compliance \n with rules on the supply of weapons and dual-use goods, \n developments on commodities markets and events on the international\n financial markets.

By 'every violation' do you mean 'any violation', 'no violation', 'blue violation'...by 'every violation' do you mean 'every observance', 'every miss-fire', 'every monkey'...you see, apart from the law of non-contradiction language is impossible.

This is silly.> Usually, high religious observance and low income go along with high birthratesNo, usually what goes along with high birthrates is an agrarian peasant society that has to maintain high birthrates because 50%+ of children die before the age of 5, and if you want to have several kids of working age around to help in the fields, you need to aim for 8 or 12 newborns.

Observance definitions


the act of observing; taking a patient look

See also: observation watching


a formal event performed on a special occasion; "a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor"

See also: ceremony ceremonial


the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police"

See also: notice observation


conformity with law or custom or practice etc.

See also: honoring