Celebrity in a sentence as a noun

Meanwhile people who hack celebrity emails get 10 years hard time.

He wasn't actually a tech celebrity before his death.

What's worse is the js script HN seems to be running that forces your mouse cursor to gravitate towards links of celebrity news.

"unless youre a celebrity, publishers do nothing that you cant do on your own just as well or better for a fraction of the cost.

There was even a celebrity campaign and congressional lobbying at the time to do something about it.

Meanwhile today, Stallman is regarded as some kind of madman while Obama is an amazing celebrity.

The author then proceeds to write 18 points about his day, only five of which are actually about the business, including some gems like, "Crank through todos".Does this guy think he's a celebrity or something?

This is overturned when it is deemed that information is "in the public interest," but knowing the sordid details of some "celebrity's" affairs is not necessarily deemed important enough.

This is the first "celebrity" death in recent history that's really upset me :/I feel like he really truly had a rare combination of drive, personality, and talent that is extremely rare, dare I say one of a kind?

If you did this for Indian celebrities, VCs in India would throw eight figure sums to buy you out.\nAs an immigrant, I'd say Americans are relatively more rational ie. not so celeb-crazy as to completely remodel themselves after a celebrity, though teens, especially teen girls tend to be an the outlier in this aspect.

So while Twitter's new move is certainly frustrating for the developers that helped give them a boost initially, they've certainly got the momentum, brand-recognition, and celebrity engagement to keep them going for a while.

Celebrity definitions


a widely known person; "he was a baseball celebrity"


the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed

See also: fame renown