Sordid in a sentence as an adjective

Btrfs is actually a sordid state of affairs.

Ah, the sordid British fascination with sex in East Asia raises its head again...

I agree Netscape helped **** itself, but the list of things Microsoft did is long and sordid.

Ah, but did they test positive for the sordid quintuple of the major douchebag arcana?

It's clearly a case of: if they'll do X, will they do Y?The US Government does have a rather sordid history though, it's not like they're saints.

Key parts of the sordid, brutal and shameful history of american slavery in the 20th century.

But they have gone out of their way in trying to put a positive spin on this whole sordid episode in order to protect their precious funding.

Drug laws have a sordid history of racism, corporate hand-outs, and widespread corruption.

""The second is the kind of scandalous, sordid stories of individual misconduct which keep us occupied, but just leave us throwing our hands up wondering 'what is this world coming to?'.

One of the things that bugged me about this whole sordid business was the crazy and untrue implication that women are too dainty to handle off-color jokes, or that if you think they're funny, then you're against women in tech.

This is overturned when it is deemed that information is "in the public interest," but knowing the sordid details of some "celebrity's" affairs is not necessarily deemed important enough.

Sarah Lacy will continue to write sordid tales of no-goodery, and the Internet will continue to lap it up. Bloggers will continue to seize on the latest controversy to get pageviews, and so on.> I do have to ask, though - if you have an issue with Google's having access to your data, why do you use Google services?Because no one does have a real issue with it.

And, is it true that you requested that she either take her blog entry down or limit access to it?I don't want to jump to conclusions, but reading both sides of the story you guys don't come over as entirely truthful in this sordid affair.

For example, some people's opinion of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre has shifted for the worse since their correspondence was published, since much of it is more like a sordid chatroom log, full of offhanded gossip about other people and such, than like the philosophical works they intended for public consumption.

Sordid definitions


morally degraded; "a seedy district"; "the seamy side of life"; "sleazy characters hanging around casinos"; "sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls"- Seattle Weekly; "the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils"- James Joyce; "the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal"

See also: seamy seedy sleazy squalid


unethical or dishonest; "dirty police officers"; "a sordid political campaign"

See also: dirty


foul and run-down and repulsive; "a flyblown bar on the edge of town"; "a squalid overcrowded apartment in the poorest part of town"; "squalid living conditions"; "sordid shantytowns"

See also: flyblown squalid


meanly avaricious and mercenary; "sordid avarice"; "sordid material interests"