Renown in a sentence as a noun

Both people deserve renown for what they've done.

It's one of the biggest IPOs ever, not just in size, but in renown.

I went to design school at one of the most well renown schools of Design in the country.

Rob Pike is a renown scientist, at the time working on Plan9 , the most exciting project of the moment.

I've routinely scheduled appointments with renown specialists and waited less than 2 days to get in.

I've heard the Singapore civil service, renown for recruiting smart people, have what they call the 'helicopter test'.

>>>The "State Department human-rights effort" is not exactly world-renown for its ethics.

Playing *****'s advocate, hating Paris Hilton could have something to do with a longing or desire to be accepted, loved, or renown.

Even my painting professor, a renown watercolor and oil painter, had a 9 year old Taiwanese micro laptop that chugged on IrfanView.

" It is a well regarded paper by a renown probabilist and statistician who cares about utility of statistics as used in the real world.

All this talk about research opportunities and connections with renown professors does not apply to students in universities not in the top ~50.

I wonder if this will lead to tax-heaven countries, the same way we currently have tax-heaven countries or even something which would be equivalent to Switzerland's renown in finance.

Overthrow democratically elected governments?The "State Department human-rights effort" is not exactly world-renown for its ethics.

"How to incentivize people to become brilliant musicians""How to incentivize people to become world-renown artists""How to incentivize people to become best-selling authors""How to incentivize people to become Nobel laureates"Yeah, none of those work.

A message I received from a friend working at Google:"New layers, more layers, bigger layers, better layers, abstract layers, injected layers, factory layers, module layers, AbstractFactoryFactoryModuleBuilderInjector layers, layers upon layers within layers wrapped in layers, a glorious spire of layers to reach the heavens and bring renown to Babylon!

Who trained and armed the dead-officially-now Bin Laden in the first place in the 80s, and against whom?How come Turkey is considered a country worthy of pondering about if and when to invite for EU-membership, while the same idea and attitude towards Russia - historically a truly European country with undeniable historic and cultural influence on Europe and the world - countless world-renown writers, poets, composers, scientists... you name it... plus a huge territorial span till the Pacific with all the resources, people, and real economic potential - is something highly exotic?

Renown definitions


the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed

See also: fame celebrity