Captivity in a sentence as a noun

You know that recent news story of three women rescued from 10 years brutal captivity? North Korea is that on a national scale.

I'm glad his airport captivity is finally over. Russia is possibly the safest place for him at this point.

I only recently got a betta fish and have often pondered how he feels about his captivity. His tank is about ten feet away from my desk and behind me.

\nIt gave us food for thought about whether we should be keeping creatures with such a powerful intellect in captivity.

The eight years in captivity was in North Korea. She convinced her minders to allow her to visit Austria, and made her escape after soon as she could once she landed.

This behavior has been observed both in captivity and in the wild. Dolphins in captivity try to imitate us and seem to have no trouble mapping our body parts to theirs.

\nDuring his captivity his family didn't know whether he was dead or alive. \nHe never knowingly bought a Japanese product.

So, I would argue that I'm not one of the "ignorant public" when it comes to how large amounts of animals are dealt with in captivity. I think this attempt to simply redefine abuse is pretty deplorable.

The lives they lead in captivity so that we may eat them are almost certainly hellish compared to those that elephants live. In essence not only are they killed, but they're bred and forced to live torturous lives just for the purpose of being killed.

After eight years in captivity, she made a life-or-death escape from her guards after being sent to Vienna to promote Kim's latest film. Could someone explain how Austria permitted slaves to be held within its borders?

Because the species isn't doing that well and breeding in captivity is problematic they try to keep them unfamiliar with humans [0]. Keeping them undomesticated, so to speak.

Slavery has other forms, and being held in captivity for reasons other than legal punishment and forced to work generally is considered one of them.

Whoever came up with that "innovation" deserves to be sold into Roose Bolton's captivity. If unseen opportunities or obligations come up – invited to speak abroad?

According to the Cincinnati zoo example, white tigers are apparently being bred for profit, and kept in captivity. So I'm unsure how they are disadvantaged anymore so than say pure-bred dogs with physical problems that mongrels don't tend to have.

] The nation will live to regret what the court has done today" he said when the court held that Guantanamo detainees have the right to appeal their captivity to federal courts." Is it really so easy to determine that smacking someone in the face to determine where he has hidden the bomb that is about to blow up Los Angeles is prohibited in the Constitution?"

Occasionally we take one from captivity, establish communication aaaand... leave it as a curiosity for some sub-set of under-funded researchers.

If "conservation" means breeding wild animals in what is essentially captivity so that "rich westerners" can pay lots of money to go around and shoot them for the sake of shooting them, then you're absolutely right, I am going to be offended.

But I don't think keeping jellyfish in captivity is unethical. They're somewhere between a goldfish and a houseplant in terms of sentience. They have no central nervous system; just a loosely connected net of nerves that control their muscle contractions and very simple senses, like swimming towards light and migrating up in the water column at night and down during the day. I would argue that it definitely is unethical to keep cephalapods in captivity unless they have a big tank and some sort of stimulation.

Watch this scenario a hundred times and when the media finally starts promoting some new "necessary" warrantless spying the government is trying to pass you're likely to allow it after being inundated with constant pro state propaganda, and a chorus of media pundits who use fictional TV scenarios to compare to real life situations like the CNN anchor I witnessed who was constantly bringing up that stupid 24 morality play about the evil bad guy in the good guy's captivity and only torture is the solution while interviewing a lawyer who was trying to laugh off the questions as nonsense and tell the public what is really going on. Whatever that lawyer was trying to say was drowned out by bringing in decades worth of reinforced stereotypes.

Captivity definitions


the state of being imprisoned; "he was held in captivity until he died"; "the imprisonment of captured soldiers"; "his ignominious incarceration in the local jail"; "he practiced the immurement of his enemies in the castle dungeon"

See also: imprisonment incarceration immurement


the state of being a slave; "So every bondman in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity"--Shakespeare

See also: enslavement