Enslavement in a sentence as a noun

You have no idea how the Wends would be as a culture today in the absence of enslavement. Also, your current standing today in no way makes amends for the rape and ****** of a people in the past.

Advocated actions that were eventually followed, which lead to the death and enslavement of millions of people... ...

In fact, most of my friends and colleagues think of grad school as a sort of institutionalized enslavement. On the contrary, I find my PhD years have been a good school of entrepreneurship.

Almost as if we're actually craving enslavement. As if chasing promotions, or wealth as if we're gaining XP or coins in a videogame, is a better way to spend our time, health and energy on.

He might not have started Europe on a 3-century adventure in ******** and enslavement of other peoples?

Yes, enslavement of low-income minorities, that's exactly what he's going for. This is ridiculous hyperbole.

Let's take it all the way to prostitution, I think the trafficking and even enslavement of some of these women is bad, but if a grown adult woman wants to provide that as a service then I support her decision. Who the **** am I to judge how anyone makes their living?

I suppose we're willing to risk destruction/enslavement by a superior or hostile alien civilization just to not have to exist all alone.

This seems like it could be extended to anything being committed outside of the US to other humans, including torture, enslavement, anything. The American people have already shown that if their bellies are full, then it doesn't matter how many people their government kills.

If we are talking about today we should recognize that mass enslavement and slaughter of animals, mechanized and automated, is immoral and wrong, and act to bring an end to it.

Even genetic technology could be used for great benefit, but its currently used mostly for short term cash and farmer enslavement. in general food production and processing need to be a lot more localised and be freed of any market pressure, like tap water is.

If we want to end prostitution, we must attack the root of the problem, which you so well pointed out: the literal enslavement of women, and the economic situations that lead them to it. Criminalizing it solves nothing, it's just one more case of a policy that makes people feel good about themselves while they screw those they wanted to help.

No it's not, from the way it's presented, it's more like the world's first organism-enslavement-for-entertainment-kit. Not that I understand that much about cockroaches, but it's hard to deny the ethical issues in taking over control of an otherwise autonomous organism.

Evils of this type exist across humanity; these enslavement narratives show us the particular context of how this depravity played out in America. They also provides us with some insight into contemporary issues in our society.

We wanted to express how incredulous it is that a game can use the threat of violence, death, enslavement, and implied rape as a motivation for a quest then cast aside those people you have ostensibly just been charged with helping. It was not our intention to hurt people in the real world by discussing this incongruity in games and we sincerely apologize to those of you who were hurt."

100K is the point where you have the illusion of financial freedom because you can purchase a BMW, buy a nice home in a bland cul-de-sac with a bunch of nameless white dudes, and it's not until you're in your 40s and you're in danger to losing the job to a robot or a whipper-snapper that you understand that kind of "freedom" is actually enslavement. You made the wrong choice because you wasted your life buying plastic.

Similarly, If UK employers were to switch to a policy of only allowing two weeks holiday per year, and why not add random ***** tests while we're at it, there would be riots at the outrageous and dangerous attempt at enslavement of the population, and the government would likely be overthrown if it failed to act. I use these just as an example to illustrate the differences in what's considered important, and of what people are vigilant, between the two nations."

Enslavement definitions


the state of being a slave; "So every bondman in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity"--Shakespeare

See also: captivity


the act of making slaves of your captives