Camomile in a sentence as a noun

If you feel like it, mix in some camomile when you overseed.

Tea with honey, milk with honey, camomile tea with honey.

Mix in camomile for an even lusher, softer lawn.

Let it grow long enough for the clover and camomile to flower and it's amazing.

Hops, 1 lb. of camomile blows, 1 lb. of cinnamon, 5 lbs.

Depends on the type of tea, for example Roibos tea, ginger, camomile don’t contain caffeine

However the "evidence based medicine" may conclude it was the spirit of camomile or the lovely sperical shape that made all the difference.

Strawberry & raspberry, blueberry & spiced apple and camomile & honey are my favourite.

You can use camomile library to handle unicode strings, count code points, perform locale aware lowercase / uppercase, etcFor utf8 regexes, you can use Pcre in ocaml, which is faster than camomile regexes.

Vaping is not an established field of medicine, it was only popularized fairly recently, and that was mostly for smoking tobacco and *********, not camomile or garlic or whatever.

On Fedora: dnf install ocaml ocaml-camomile-devel emacs-tuareg-mode will get you the compiler, Unicode support and an emacs editing mode.

Camomile definitions


Eurasian plant with apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally; in some classification systems placed in genus Anthemis

See also: chamomile