Chamomile in a sentence as a noun

Years ago I perfected a honey chamomile kolsch.

I substitute hot chamomile tea for whiskey or water with my lemon and honey when sick.

I don’t want to drink a triple hopped chamomile infused artisanal IPA, I just want Budweiser not to suck so bad.

Maybe once in a while, in an idle moment, you may wonder over your cup of chamomile tea, "did they have to name the filter command 'grep', I mean really?

Caffeine-free teas are generally herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, etc.

The lowest melatonin content was −83% compared to its labeled value in a capsule that also contained lavender, chamomile, and lemon balm.

Nor was it pleasant to live with the very fact of a chemical dependency... I'm not quite as sharp in the morning on just chamomile, but afternoons and sleep are much improved.

> If anything a nice cup of black tea or a good Irish coffee in the evening calms me down and I sleep like a babyTea in the evening knocks me out, especially chamomile tea.

You'll find it gives you an incentive to wake up, rather than if you knew you were just immediately getting ready and leaving* If you feel less tired than normal on a particular day, you can drink chamomile tea, or warm milk, both of which seem to mildly increase sleepiness.

Chamomile definitions


Eurasian plant with apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally; in some classification systems placed in genus Anthemis

See also: camomile