Corrosive in a sentence as a noun

Are there any real studies on the "corrosive influence" of porn on children?

The process of reviews is one of the most corrosive elements of working at Microsoft.

So it can be done, and is generally less corrosive than hidden salaries.

In a 75-person company, assholes are just outright corrosive.

They may be assuming that the reader knows this, and wish to concentrate on this one topical point of the WoD's corrosive effects.

It also points out how corrosive stereotypes can be, as just the expectation that girls would not do well in math caused a drop in their performance.

As long as the discussion doesn't devolve into corrosive name-calling and ad hominems it's fine, and I don't think we go that low very much.

Corrosive in a sentence as an adjective

I left Microsoft because the stack rank system most often worked exactly as described in the article and it was just as corrosive as they described.

""There is historically nothing more corrosive to the morale of a population than policing its own citizens.

The biggest problem R faces is the corrosive attitude the language developers and maintainers have towards the R community.

The requirement to survive the corrosive salt water environment puts additional constraints on material selection.

This is such a popular and I think corrosive meme that I think it's a service to the community when people pipe up and point out the obvious, which is that many/most people can't even afford to do try-outs, let alone be happy about the idea.

Safety goggles and a nearby water source is a must have.\nBeen a few times where I've rushed to the shower after my face started bleeding from corrosive spray after a mis timed attempt at this...\nIf she was just capturing the hydrogen and igniting it... then it was completely harmless.

It is, however, one of the corrosive elements of Indian culture that worries meI agree that Indians are incredibly selfish in certain ways, especially when you look at their actions through the lens of western cultural practices, but this is probably not a good example of that.

Corrosive definitions


a substance having the tendency to cause corrosion (such a strong acids or alkali)


of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action

See also: caustic erosive vitriolic mordant


spitefully sarcastic; "corrosive cristism"